
Why NZ needs more Māori and Pasifika blood donations

"To give someone the ultimate koha and keep his memory alive is the greatest tribute."

Māori and Pacific students feel university inclusion in NZ is 'tokenistic'

The study looks at the experiences of 43 current or past postgraduate students at NZ unis.

Opinion: Our inner-city Auckland was a slice of Polynesia

"Samoan writer Albert Wendt once said “our people wake the city”."

Still Here: Celebrating the Pasifika families of Central Auckland

Meet the people behind the project, and take a look at some the photos from the launch night.

How to compliment someone's outfit in Sāmoan, reconnecting with roots

"The survival of the language and culture is in our day-to-day living."

Inside the South Auckland fashion show celebrating Pasifika style

"Fashion is being yourself [and] depending on the context, it can be whatever you want it to be."

Pacific community receives funds to help with Covid-19 booster and child vaccination uptake

The boost is to support the Prepare Pacific Community Vaccination Fund in wake of Omicron.

What we know about Tonga’s volcanic eruption and how you can help

“Can you hear that? That’s not rain, that’s fucking rocks coming down from the volcano,” says 'Ila, who saw the volcanic eruption and tsunami from Tonga’s…

Health care structures entrenching poor outcomes for Pasifika must change, new report finds

The Bula Sautu report, released this week, looked at the persistent inequities in Pasifika health.

The Government will apologise for the Dawn Raids

The Government will formally apologise for targeted raids on the homes of Pacific families.

“Dreams come with a price tag”: South Auckland students on picking a career path

Which young people in Aotearoa have the freedom to pursue careers in the arts?

Toxic masculinity makes it difficult for Pacific men to be vulnerable

“Tough like an armour truck, the only medicine I know, harden up!”

Back at Polyfest after two years

"Coming here now, we see everybody out here, celebrating, in different costumes and designs"

Why Māori need to be a priority for the Covid-19 vaccine

Today the government announced who will be prioritised to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. Two million New Zealanders will get their first dose in the next four…

Pasifika teens sacrificing education for survival is not new

Choosing between school and work to support your family is common for Pasifika children.

South Auckland is sick of being singled out

Many Pasifika feel they’re being cast in a negative light, once again.

Endless stories of racism in NZ schools

A question posed on Instagram has sparked a conversation about racism in NZ schools.

Release of the Week: Diggy Dupé turns a Niuean war chant into an exhilarating hip hop track

Since we’ve just entered a nationwide, 4-week long lockdown, Diggy Dupé briefly considered pushing his music video release for ‘Keke Boy’ a week later... but then…

Pasifika voices at the climate strike

In 2012, Tokelau became the first country in the world to switch to 100% renewable energy.
Meanwhile, in New Zealand, we’re extending the lives of our coal…

Tuvalu as Tuvaluans want you to see it

From above, Fongafale—Tuvalu’s largest island—snakes across the Pacific, a surprise sight in a great expanse of blue. It measures 12km long and at its narrowest point…