
Winston Peters on how fish heads are the secret to youthful skin | Church and State

19-year-old musician and first-time voter Church, from Church & AP, speaks to Winston Peters.

Judith Collins on white privilege and politics | Church and State

19-year-old musician and first-time voter Church talks to National leader Judith Collins.

The six-month Covid rent freeze ends today, but rents are already going up. A lot.

The six-month Covid rent freeze ends today, and some landlords are putting up rent as fast as possible. Others tried to illegally raise rents during the…

I don't know anything about politics: what's up with the polls?

Here's how political polls really work.

We asked a graphic designer to rate election billboards

Wellington graphic designer Matt does deep analysis of the colours, grammar and symbols of election billboards in the Ōhāriu electorate.

The arguments for and against legalising weed

The main arguments for both sides of the weed referendum.

A visual history of Wellington’s anarchist house

On the evening of Tuesday August 25, Wellington watched as a local icon burnt down - the anarchist house at 128 Abel Smith Street.

Located right beside…

The simple guide to dealing with online conspiracy

A step-by-step guide on what to do when you encounter a piece of unverified information online.

I don't know anything about politics: how did the election just get moved?

Just how exactly was the election day moved, and what does "dissolution of Parliament" even mean?

I don’t know anything about politics: where do parties get all their money from?

Zoe Madden-Smith looks into the different ways parties fund themselves, and the flaws in the system.

I don't know anything about politics: what’s the deal with minor parties?

New Zealand has 14 registered political parties, can you name them all? I couldn’t.

I don’t know anything about politics: what do the parties stand for?

My feed's been spammed by so many political scandals I don’t know what each party stands for anymore

We don't have a Ministry of LGBTQIA+ Affairs, but some politicians want to change that

Our government is made up of about 70 ministerial portfolios. We have a minister for women, for Pacific peoples, for children and for seniors. However, we…

Māori-Asian solidarity in Aotearoa can be game-changing

When we talk about race relations in this country, how often do we consider the relations between Asian tauiwi and tangata whenua? It’s time for all…

Explainer: here's what you need to know about new National leader Judith Collins

We’ve all seen the gun photo and heard the phrase “Crusher Collins”, but what does she stand for?

A gender-neutral option has finally been added to NZ voting papers

The gender-neutral title Mx. is an option on the electoral roll for the first time. Kiwis tell us what this means for them.

You can enrol to…

What you need to know about giving prisoners back the vote

Parliament has passed a bill that gives prisoners back the vote. Here’s what you need to know.

Golriz Ghahraman on writing her own story

Golriz Ghahraman is telling her story of growing up in Aotearoa. She has worked as a United Nations lawyer and is now a member of Parliament…

Black Lives Matter solidarity march: "It happens here in this country"

"It happens to me. That's why I'm here." With less than 24 hours notice, thousands of New Zealanders gathered to protest against racism and police violence…

New Zealanders tell us why they marched with the Black Lives Matter movement

On June 1, New Zealanders marched in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. Here's why.

I don't understand the Budget so I got an economist to explain it to me

Last week the Government announced a $50 billion dollar budget, or as Finance Minister Grant Robertson likes to call it, “The most significant commitment by a…

Who the heck is the new National Party leader Todd Muller

Today Simon Bridges was toppled from the leadership of the National Party.

He’s been replaced by Todd Muller, a man who many voters don’t even recognise.

Here’s the…

How to rebuild a more sustainable New Zealand after Covid-19

Lockdown has shown we can take bold action that would have previously been unthinkable.

Weed Vote 2020: the justice minister on the law he designed to legalise cannabis

At this year's election, you will be asked, "Do you support the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill?" Justice Minister Andrew Little gives his perspective on…

Covid-19 Live Updates: Day 13 of level 3

Check in here for the key, verified facts on how New Zealand is dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.1:00pm Sunday 10 May - day 13 at alert…

‘We failed her’ - Young ACT vice president resigns after sexual harassment

The vice-president of Young ACT has resigned, saying she faced months of sexual harassment.

Explainer: the cannabis referendum that could make weed legal in New Zealand

At this year’s election, as well as voting on who we want to be in government, we will also be asked this question: Do you support the…

What life looks like at each of the Covid alert levels

New Zealand will move to alert level 3 at 11.59pm on Monday April 27. We’ve broken down what each alert level means, along with illustrations by…

Two Kiwis tell us what it's like being stranded in Peru during a pandemic

Update: After a month-long wait, the New Zealanders stranded in Peru have finally made it home. A Government-chartered mercy flight from Lima touched down in Auckland early…

Covid-19 Live Updates: Day 7 of Lockdown

We're now a week into our nationwide lockdown. If you're looking for just the key, verified facts, check in here for rolling live updates.This live updates…