
What happens when coalition partners ‘agree to disagree’?

“Agree to disagree” mechanisms are often built into coalition agreements.

Anger and outrage: students to rally against government climate approach

20 protests are planned across New Zealand for Friday April 5.

Minimum wage to go up, tax break for landlords kicks in

Here’s what New Zealanders can expect from April 1.

‘Nationwide action day’: Why today and what is it all about?

“This is not a protest. It’s an activation.”

Why I had an abortion: Young NZers share their stories

Despite abortion being decriminalised, it remains a divisive topic in New Zealand.

What a National-led government could mean for rangatahi

The results will have a big impact on their lives, political campaigner Max Harris says.

Political change is coming: What's next for New Zealand?

With special votes left to be counted, what the incoming government looks like is still undecided.

Policy breakdown: Housing

What will different political parties do to fix our housing crisis?

Policy breakdown: Rainbow rights

Here's what political parties say they'll do about rainbow rights if they're elected.

Policy breakdown: Education

Here's what political parties say they'll do about education.

Policy breakdown: Tax

We’re breaking down different parties' policies on some of the biggest issues in Aotearoa right now.

Analysis: The vibes from inside the TVNZ Young Voters’ Debate

1News' Anna Murray gives her audience member insight from last night's Youth Voter Debate.

Analysis: Which political party is using TikTok best

TikTok isn't just for silly dance videos - it's a serious platform for political campaigning.

Who's to blame for the cost of living crisis?

The cost of living has skyrocketed since the pandemic began.

Budget 2023: We read it so you don't have to

Here’s what you need to know.

Low voter turnout could see more extreme candidates in local government

Voter turnout was 57% in 1989 but has stayed below 50% since 2004 and was only 42% in 2019.

Periods, poverty and debt: Rangatahi grill politicians

Rangatahi asked politicians about poverty, period products and lowering the voting age in NZ.

Petition to change NZ to Aotearoa presented to Parliament

Te Pāti Māori has presented its petition urging Parliament to change New Zealand's official name.

Te Pāti Māori won't run in Tauranga by-election due to racism

"By standing, we would be consciously sending our people into an unsafe environment."

Winston Peters says he’s been trespassed from Parliament for protest visit

Yesterday, former National MP Matt King said he'd been banned after being identified as a protester.

Bill to ban conversion practices passes second hurdle

The proposed law to ban conversion practices has passed its second reading in Parliament on Tuesday.

  • 09 Feb 22

Court dismisses case about lowering the voting age to 16 in NZ

Teenagers under the age of 18 can join the army, work, drive, pay taxes and leave home - so why can’t they vote? 

That’s a question being…

What you need to know about Christopher Luxon, the new leader of the National Party

The National Party has voted for Christopher Luxon as its new leader.

Judith Collins loses National leadership: the drama explained in 7 quotes

Simon Bridges has been stripped of his responsibilities after making jokes about how to conceive a baby, Judith Collins has lost the leadership of the National…

When do we call an attacker a terrorist? We asked three experts

After the Lynn mall terror attack, some Kiwis are confused about language used by media & politician

Māori voters can only switch electoral rolls once every 5 years. Is it time for a change?

“It restricts Māori ability to have an impact in these elections.”

Every five or six years, Māori voters have the choice to swap between the general electoral…

Conversion therapy will be banned, with sentence of up to 5 years’ imprisonment

“There are so many people that will have their lives changed because of this.”