
Rivers and whales as people? Legal personhood explained

Aotearoa has three legal personalities, here’s what it means.

New law makes it easier for gender diverse people to update the sex on their birth certificate

Previously people needed to prove to the Family Court they had irreversible medical treatment.

  • 09 Dec 21

Planning a terror attack will become a criminal offence after counter-terrorism bill passes final…

The Counter-Terrorism legislation bill has passed its final reading today.

83% of trans or non-binary people have the incorrect gender on their birth certificate. A proposed…

A look into proposed law changes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act.

  • 10 Sep 21

300 lawyers are suing the Climate Change Commission for not doing enough

They say current aims “will fail to achieve our goal of avoiding catastrophic climate change”.

The FBI made an app that tricked thousands of drug dealers around the world, including NZ

In NZ, 35 people were arrested and over 900 charges were laid against senior members gang members.

Sexual assault laws changing to require consent in NSW

The new model means a person must do or say something to affirm consent before sex occurs. In New Zealand, laws governing consent only stipulate when…

Tikanga Māori and Te Ao Māori concepts will be taught at all law schools

Law students will be adding another skillset to their university degrees.

Drug laws need to be scrapped, say advocacy groups

Nearly 25 health and social organisations have signed an open letter asking the Government to repeal and replace current “unfair” drug laws with those that focus…

NZ will now give bereavement leave for miscarriages and stillbirths

Last night, parliament unanimously passed a bill that will allow people to take three days bereavement leave following a miscarriage or stillbirth.

The Member’s Bill was introduced…

Five laws and regulations that still discriminate against rainbow communities in NZ

Non-consensual surgeries on intersex children are still legal. Trans people still struggle to change the sex on their birth certificate. And blood donation criteria still discriminate…

  • 16 Mar 21

A rangatahi activist explains what a constitution for NZ could look like

Safari Hynes of Rangitāne is a 20-year-old from Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Earlier this month he was part of the Māori Constitutional Convention, a hui working to establish…

Woman groped at bar says bouncer did nothing to help her

What does a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for sexual assault in bars look like in practice?

Khylee Quince | Māori and Jails: Locked Up

Associate Professor Khylee Quince (Te Roroa, Ngāti Porou) is a straight talker who doesn't deviate from the facts when it comes to the New Zealand justice…

Joan was tortured for being gay, and she’s not alone

For 12 years, Joan was forcibly subjected to electroconvulsive therapy.

The guy who wrote the book on weed tells us what he learnt

If you've got questions on what weed legalisation in NZ could look like, James is your guy.

We asked a legal expert what sentence the Christchurch terrorist might receive

The ultimate penalty in New Zealand is a life sentence without parole - a sentence no one in this country has received so far. Re: journalist…

I don't know anything about politics: how did the election just get moved?

Just how exactly was the election day moved, and what does "dissolution of Parliament" even mean?

Explainer: the euthanasia referendum

The referendum that could make it legal for some terminally ill patients to choose their deaths.

A majority of NZers say they will vote to keep weed illegal

A new poll says majority of NZers would vote against legalising weed.

What you need to know about giving prisoners back the vote

Parliament has passed a bill that gives prisoners back the vote. Here’s what you need to know.

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Manatika | Justice

A Pākehā criminal lawyer sits down with a Māori former-prisoner to talk about Aotearoa’s justice system. Awatea Mita was jailed for a non-violent drug crime. She…

Explaining NZ's gun laws

The terrorist attack in Christchurch left many wondering how this could have been allowed to happen in New Zealand. It seems some of the blame lay…

Disability Housing in New Zealand

'People talk about us heading towards a housing crisis for disabled people. From the stories I've been hearing... we're already there.' This is Aotearoa's housing crisis…

Why are renters scared to use a service that fights for their rights?

If you're renting in Aotearoa there's a high chance you know what Molly's talking about. But why aren't more renters doing something about their crappy conditions?

Why we can't have sex with our family

For what could be considered the ultimate taboo, it's surprisingly common in television and movies...what's this fascination with incest all about?

The horrific history of child abuse in New Zealand

The Kahui twins, Nia, and Moko - names etched into Aotearoa's dark history of child abuse. How does this keep happening?

The deal with weed

It's a topic that has divided Kiwis. What's our country's future with weed?

Should pets be allowed in all rental properties?

Having a pet can turn a house into a home, but many rental properties just won't allow them. Should renters in Aotearoa have the right to…

White Man Behind A Desk: Consent

Re: welcomes a White Man Behind A Desk, who has invited a white woman to discuss the topic buttoned-up Kiwis can be too awkward to address:…