
Seriously, why is everyone I know moving to Australia?

G’day mate? More like goodbye mate.

Fleeing Iran as a teenager was easier than parenting

Watch the first episode from the new season of Conversations With My Immigrant Parents.

An original Polynesian Panther meets a young Pacific advocate I Dawn Raids' Apology

“Growing up did you feel safe in New Zealand? Not really, not really.”

The NZ government will repatriate a woman allegedly linked with ISIS

Jacinda Ardern says the decision was “not taken lightly".

This man is facing deportation because of his disability

"The only obstacle in my life is people who discriminate me and see me not capable to do anything.”

The Government will apologise for the Dawn Raids

The Government will formally apologise for targeted raids on the homes of Pacific families.

A Middle Eastern family talks about how it feels to be displaced | Conversations With My Immigrant…

“I feel like I really wanted to see Syria but now it’s too late."

Getting residency in New Zealand was harder than losing the ability to walk | Conversations With My…

Juliana and her mother Nadmea came to Aotearoa from Brazil after eight years of battling with New Zealand’s immigration system. 

Before Juliana moved, as an 19 year…

My Samoan mum taught me how to make something out of nothing | Conversations With My Immigrant…

Alby's mum Lina moved from Samoa to Wellington when she was 20 years old. All she wanted was to help give her son an education -…

Judah, Tafara, and Pako: Not Your White Boy | Conversations With My Immigrant Parents

“Not getting a job doesn’t surprise me, I feel like racism plays a part in that. I’ve been looking for work for the last ten years,…

Two Kiwis tell us what it's like being stranded in Peru during a pandemic

Update: After a month-long wait, the New Zealanders stranded in Peru have finally made it home. A Government-chartered mercy flight from Lima touched down in Auckland early…

I cannot write a poem about China

Sherry Zhang reads her poem 'I cannot write a poem about China'.

Words from Sherry about her poem:

How do you navigate disagreement? I've been struggling with this…

Carving a space for Chinese artists at Auckland's Mercury Plaza

Growing up in Auckland, Ross Liew didn’t think he was brought up Chinese. “But turns out,” he says, “it just didn’t look Chinese or sound Chinese.…

The World Press Photo exhibition

Their journey to the USA was over, along with the hopes that her daughter Yanela Sanchez might grow up to see a brighter future in the…

Hackathon connecting former refugees with tech

Refugees arrive in NZ seeking a happy, safe life, but can instead struggle for adequate housing and employment. Techfugees brings together the tech community and former…

Othering - Fairooz's story

'I integrated as perfectly as I could. I followed all of the rules & I still wasn't good enough.'

Fairooz is a Kiwi with an Egyptian…

I'm sad. And I'm mad.

My name is Maha Alabadrawi. I’m sad. And I’m mad. As a person of colour and an immigrant from a ‘Muslim country’, I know that simply living…

My family is shaped by war

War is a foreign concept for most Kiwis, but for Maha and her family it was a fact of life. Maha shares their journey of surviving…

Changing Chinese names for Kiwis

It's common for Chinese to change their name when living in New Zealand but should they have to?

My immigrant grandparents

WWII not only tore apart nations, it tore apart families. Sieska sat down with her grandparents who packed their clogs and sailed to the other side…

Nana's Old Wise Tales #7 - Wheat bag Empire

New Year's Re:solution #8: strive for success. Look what Nana did with wheat, material and a dream!

Refugees & Asylum Seekers

Anayat and Golriz shared their brave stories of how they made their way to New Zealand. The continued work they both do for refugees and asylum…