Zoe Madden-Smith

Message from Piha: Do not come here

“If you want to do anything for a place that you love, don't come.”

I’m 23 and I want to remove my uterus

“This hypothetical boyfriend doesn’t have a uterus that’s in pain, I do."

I’m a sex worker…and I’m asexual

“I have no intention of leaving the industry. This is a part of my identity.”

I left my job to sell second hand clothes online | Show Us Your Money

“I’ve never gone into an op shop and seen a shortage of clothing."

In My Opinion: It’s not safe to be queer in Christchurch

Christchurch’s queer community talk about what it’s like for them on a night out.

  • 05 Nov 22

The Christchurch neighbourhood that smells like ass crack

The smell is so bad some residents are leaving for good.

My Christian fundamentalist upbringing in Auckland

“The whole concept of the purity ring negated consent; we never learned what consent was.”

In My Opinion: NZ should wipe all cannabis possession charges

“In the last year alone, 44% of cannabis convictions were applied to Māori."

Asking people how much their outfit costs: Christchurch edition

“Pretty much everything I am wearing is second hand.”

Asking people how much their outfit costs

"We love a thrifty queen."

Asking people how much money they have in savings

“Nowadays you have to save for today, tomorrow and the future as well."

Taranaki father on why living rurally doesn’t save him money

“The system that so desperately wants people off the system was trapping us in the system.”

Why this Taranaki couple earning $165k want to live with their parents

"Working to help whānau, that's my purpose of life aye."

How to ask your boss for a pay rise

Asking for a raise can feel awkward, uncomfortable and just plain terrifying.

Celebrating Matariki as non-Māori

"You’re going to be playing some beats while I am planting the trees.”

‘Most the kids have uncles that are blackpowers’: Growing up in Pātea

Re: talked to two teens growing up in the town behind NZ's greatest ever tune, 'Poi E'.

'Last call at 9.30pm': What the nightlife is like in New Plymouth

Taranaki locals tell us about the nightlife in New Plymouth two years into a pandemic.

How we racked up $16 billion in student debt in NZ

Student debt is more than $16 billion in New Zealand. But 30 years ago, university was free.

Talking about OCD with BENEE

“I'm just constantly counting and it got really annoying. At one point, I was counting pumps of face cleanser, and I was just like, Oh, God,…

I’m 27 and Covid-19 gave me a heart and lung condition: Living with Long Covid

“I have completely changed, I've become a shell of the person I was.”

The fight to save kauri with mātauranga Māori

"There’s a colonialistic notion that indigenous knowledge is cute, touristy at best."

Love you bro, no homo: talking about closeness between guys

“Bro rub some sunscreen on my back, no homo.”

Why are some guys uncomfortable holding each other’s hands or sleeping in the same bed? And why is…

I’m turned on by love letters

“Handwriting is a big turn on - I think I have a fetish for handwriting."

I’m intersex and I wish doctors had left my body alone

"I woke up out of the surgery and I just felt hollow."

Three rangatahi sit down to talk about the Treaty of Waitangi

A Māori cultural advisor, an archaeology student and a Māori health professional sit down for a picnic and ask each other questions about Te Tiriti o…

New Zealanders tell us how they honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Six Kiwis share the various ways we can honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Joan was tortured for being gay, and she’s not alone

For 12 years, Joan was forcibly subjected to electroconvulsive therapy.