Zoe Madden-Smith

I didn’t get help for my depression. I was afraid of losing my guns

“Hunting is the one thing that might pull me out of a dark place.”

A day in my life with ADHD

“Having ADHD to me feels like I'm an old iPhone thats battery runs out really quickly.”

Penis problems: A sex expert answers your questions

From ‘why do men cum fast?’ to ‘is blue balls a real thing’?

A person with a brain injury answers your questions

“Just coming to terms with how different my life is now…has probably been the hardest.”

A person with borderline personality disorder answers your questions

“People say ‘They're crazy, they can't have relationships’. That hurts me.”

Vapes are prescription-only in Australia. Should NZ do the same?

Or will that just create more problems.

‘I rate the pork bun a 10’: Food reviews at Polyfest 2024

“I’m eating a pāua bomb. Magnificent, 10 out of 10.”

Bombs, back slaps and the V shape: at the Manu World Champs

“I started manuing as soon as I was conscious.”

A night out on Great Barrier Island

“Nightlife on Barrier is consistently inconsistent. Fantastic if you’re a morepork.”

Music is my big brother: Poetik and Kumbaya in studio

“Music became my big brother. It raised us up when we didn't have no one there for us.”

Surviving on Great Barrier Island means living off the land

”Grandad always said, you gotta be a useless bugger if you go hungry here.”

People tell us what they are struggling to afford

From June 2022 to June 2023, grocery food prices alone increased 12.8%.

Is the ‘truancy crisis’ really a crisis? We ask students

Only 60% of students went to school regularly in Term 1 of this year.

Should gender be part of sex education?

Currently there are guidelines for teaching relationship and sexuality education (RSE).

People tell us the last time they went to the dentist

“If it was free, fucking oath, I’m there.”

We quiz people on Māori words

Do you know your tuakana from your teina?

I lost my home in the cyclone, now I panic when it rains

“When it rains heavily I’m always alert."

‘It’s part of our culture’: Being fa’afafine in Hawke’s Bay

“I was scared to come here and be bullied."

Trans hate: Young voters on whether enough is being done

Rangatahi tell us if being done to keep trans and non-binary people safe in Aotearoa.

We asked people whether we should remove GST on food

“Yes please… because I’m hungry.”

Say goodbye to disposable vapes

From today, all vaping devices sold in NZ will need to have removeable or replaceable batteries.

I’m learning to speak up during sex and it's hot

“Looking back, I definitely don't think I enjoyed the majority of the sex that I was having..."

Do you know what the clitoris looks like?

No, that's not a coat hanger, tailbone or the fallopian tube. That my friend, is the clitoris.

The clitoris: Explained

What we all may think is the clitoris - is just the tip of the iceberg.

What sex advice would you give to your younger self?

“As a bloke, perhaps I'd say to blokes, it's all about the woman.”

Brown Pride: The South Auckland gym ‘by the people, for the people’

Part of the gym's funding was facing the axe as part of Auckland City Council budget cuts.

PM Chris Hipkins answers your questions

“Oh, crikey, that's quite a question.”

People tell us why they showed up to the Posie Parker protest

“It didn’t turn out as a peaceful protest but that usually always happens when two groups collide."

Posie Parker gets sauced and shut down before she can speak

Thousands of counter-protesters showed up and shouted “go home Posie” on Saturday.