Health & Bodies

Five people tell us their STI stories

'Chlamydia is how I found out she cheated on me’

4 reasons queer people are better at sexual health than straight people

“Queer people are good at sexual health because for a lot of us, we were forced to in the ’80s.”

Your summer tan is hurting the healthy germs on your skin

Our skin is host to a variety of fungi, bacteria, and viruses that make up our microbiota.

Student nurses report living in cars, sheds to make ends meet

"The reality is the financial burden is real.”

New study finds tampon brand with hormone disrupting chemical

The findings were among four studies that formed part of a pilot carried out by Otago University.

NZ’s ‘discriminatory’ blood donation rules are getting in the way of saving lives

Feeling too broke to donate to a charity? Donate your blood instead.

It’s 2023, why are women still carrying the burden of contraception?

“I thought maybe I'm being stupid for asking him to pay.”

Teenage poi entrepreneur on how she invests in her mental health

Georgia Latu is CEO of Pōtiki Poi, the company that made 32,000 poi for the Women’s Rugby World Cup.

Renting can make you age faster: new study

Research shows it is even worse than being jobless or a former smoker.

Policy breakdown: Health

Get an overview of each New Zealand political parties' policy on health.

Syphilis is on the rise in Auckland: what you need to know

Many people with syphilis don’t have any symptoms and therefore don’t know they have it.

International med graduates are ready to work but aren’t being hired

“Very unfair and inequitable towards students who have trained in the New Zealand healthcare system”

Ketamine could help treat people with severe depression - study

A low-cost version of ketamine has shown promising results

I fainted after a cervical smear. I’m so glad we can now self-test

Self-testing is the biggest change to cervical screening since it's conception, what will it change?

How many NZers have long Covid? New registry aims to find out

“[Long Covid] affects everything, it literally destroys lives."

How to spot the signs of endometriosis

“I was really confused how other people were able to manage their periods when I couldn’t.”

‘I’m cold, Mama’: the NZers struggling to stay warm this winter

Last winter 110,000 households couldn’t afford to keep their homes adequately warm, says MBIE.

MDMA to be trialled on terminal cancer patients in NZ

Psychedelic-assisted therapy could potentially to completely change how we treat diseases.

‘Mushrooms on the wall’: Renters share their housing experiences

“I have never lived in a flat that didn’t form black mould.”

Why I care about decolonising the ikura/period

"...society and wāhine have so much to learn about the way that our tupuna were innovators.”

New clinics offer free drug checking five days a week

Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin are getting a new regular drug checking service.

Tradies just wanna have sanitary bins at work

“I wish men had more thought for people outside of their own bubble.”

‘The way we work is shit’: junior doctors are burning out

New research says medical doctors were more at risk of burnout than any other profession in NZ

Is post-nut clarity a thing: an investigation

There's no research to understand the phenomena or its implications on sexuality and sex culture.

GPs can’t prescribe ADHD medication, here’s why that’s bullshit

“Switching my medication has caused me quite a bit of anxiety.”

Why your ears ring after a concert and why you should care

It's almost definitely tinnitus. Here's how you can avoid it.

The pill could have 92% less hormones and still work, study finds

But Aotearoa could probably benefit from other moves in the birth control space.

How bad relationships can hurt our hearts for real

A new study shows the ups and downs in everyday relationships affect our physical health.