These women share their breast cancer journey

“I think there’s a misconception that young women don’t get breast cancer and that’s just simply not true.”

Wāhine Māori are 1.4 times more likely to die from breast cancer than non - Māori, according to the Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition.

The organisation has teamed up with Jess Coate, a Māori fitness instructor and champion, to push for more awareness about the danger breast cancer poses to young women.

Mammograms are free in Aotearoa for women over the age of 45 but breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for women in their twenties and thirties.

In this episode of Ohinga, both survivors and sufferers share their views on why screening should be made available to women from a younger age and explain how the current system disproportionately affects wāhine Māori. 

“If my story helps someone, even now, or 10 years down the track, it could make someone else’s situation different.”

This is part of our reo Māori series, Ohinga, created by Mahi Tahi Media, with funding from Te Māngai Pāho. Stay tuned for a new episode every week.

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