Health & Bodies

How many NZers have long Covid? New registry aims to find out

“[Long Covid] affects everything, it literally destroys lives."

How to spot the signs of endometriosis

“I was really confused how other people were able to manage their periods when I couldn’t.”

‘I’m cold, Mama’: the NZers struggling to stay warm this winter

Last winter 110,000 households couldn’t afford to keep their homes adequately warm, says MBIE.

MDMA to be trialled on terminal cancer patients in NZ

Psychedelic-assisted therapy could potentially to completely change how we treat diseases.

‘Mushrooms on the wall’: Renters share their housing experiences

“I have never lived in a flat that didn’t form black mould.”

Why I care about decolonising the ikura/period

"...society and wāhine have so much to learn about the way that our tupuna were innovators.”

Do you know what the clitoris looks like?

No, that's not a coat hanger, tailbone or the fallopian tube. That my friend, is the clitoris.

New clinics offer free drug checking five days a week

Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin are getting a new regular drug checking service.

The clitoris: Explained

What we all may think is the clitoris - is just the tip of the iceberg.

These women share their breast cancer journey

Wāhine Māori are 1.4 times more likely to die from breast cancer than non - Māori.

Tradies just wanna have sanitary bins at work

“I wish men had more thought for people outside of their own bubble.”

What sex advice would you give to your younger self?

“As a bloke, perhaps I'd say to blokes, it's all about the woman.”

‘The way we work is shit’: junior doctors are burning out

New research says medical doctors were more at risk of burnout than any other profession in NZ

Is post-nut clarity a thing: an investigation

There's no research to understand the phenomena or its implications on sexuality and sex culture.

GPs can’t prescribe ADHD medication, here’s why that’s bullshit

“Switching my medication has caused me quite a bit of anxiety.”

Why your ears ring after a concert and why you should care

It's almost definitely tinnitus. Here's how you can avoid it.

The pill could have 92% less hormones and still work, study finds

But Aotearoa could probably benefit from other moves in the birth control space.

How bad relationships can hurt our hearts for real

A new study shows the ups and downs in everyday relationships affect our physical health.

‘It’s my superpower’: how a dyslexia diagnosis helps this teen succeed

According to figures from SPELD NZ, about 10%-20% of our population is dyslexic.

It took me 8 years to get an endometriosis diagnosis

“Endometriosis care, as it currently is, is just not acceptable."

Half of all cosmetics have ‘forever chemicals’. NZ wants to ban them

Here’s how it might impact your long-wear makeup.

Why are men so obsessed with anal?

Anal was the 8th most searched term and 6th most viewed category on Pornhub in 2021.

Early morning lectures could be ruining your university grades

Nearly 40% of Aotearoa’s teenagers are sleeping less than the recommended 8-10 hours each night.

Why does he take so long to cum? | Horny on Main

Melody and Elena call in the big guns in the new episode of Horny on Main.

Researchers think they’ve found the key to a male birth control pill

Researchers say the results could be a “game-changer” in developing the male birth control pill.

‘Will I die waiting for health care?’: NZers rally for trans rights

Hundreds of people took to the streets of Tāmaki Makaurau and Pōneke last weekend.