Brekfist: Death ft. Saraid's mum
Sit down for Brekfist as Saraid and Johanna chat about death, but it's not all doom and gloom! We also meet Saraid's mum, who tells us…
Earthquake Country
On Aotearoa's West Coast, an exposed faultline lets you see a glimpse of the inner workings of Papatuanuku. Last rupturing 300 years ago, is time ticking…
Women inventors
From Kevlar to cookies - here's a look at some of the greatness that has come from the minds of women.
Can the internet be a therapist?
The internet can be a nasty place, playing a part in many mental health issues but can it also help to heal us? We take a…
Lucy goes 24 hours without the internet
2.8 million Kiwis spend more than 7 hours on the internet each day. Lucy is one of those people. Can she survive 24 hours without the…
Body Worlds
Ever wondered what the inside of a human body looks like? Well, here's your chance to take a closer look. The Body Worlds Vital - New…
Types of clouds
Clouds are more than just a creative pastime when your internet is down; they're the OG weather app. So, how about a cloud lesson? ☁️?
We went to NZ's first flat earth conference
We went along to Aotearoa's first Flat Earth Conference, where people believe space isn't real and gravity is a lie...
Imaginary Friends
Everybody meet The Little Old Man... you might have to get a little creative, as only our pal Alex can see him! ??
Inside NZ's Fungarium
Come with us as we take a tour inside New Zealand's very own fungarium! It might sound like an attraction at the Easter Show, but it's…
Can psychedelics heal depression?
There's no magical cure for depression, but can magic mushrooms help out? Psychedelics New Zealand certainly think so, but you might want to hold up on…
The difficulty in obtaining medicinal cannabis
Canada have done it, France have done it, even most of the US have done it, so why is medicinal cannabis still such a contentious subject…
Why are drugs so addictive?
If the D.A.R.E programme taught us anything, it's that drugs are addictive. But why? Here's a wee cartoon man to give us some answers.
What is love?
Apparently all you need is love, but what exactly is it?!
Space Māori
Meet Dan Taipua AKA Robot Rakete AKA the Indigital Indigenous AKA the Hi-tech Half-caste AKA the Technical Tohunga. He's here to talk to you about a…
What is schizophrenia?
The portrayal of schizophrenia in film and television is skewed to the extreme, usually pairing it with dark or violent behaviour. Daniel is here to give…
Solving NZ's possum problem: creating mutant possums
What if we could get possums to eradicate themselves? Genetically engineering these nocturnal nuisances could help to make Aotearoa predator-free by the year 2050 and help…
NZ's West Coast - Washed Away
Erosion and rising water levels on the South Island's West Coast could see the town of Hector washed away completely.
These magic Paulownia trees clean up this dairy farm
Graham has won an award for his innovation in farm forestry. He uses Paulownia trees to stop nitrates leaching into the stream ???
Global warming: Waiting for Pacific Islands to disappear
While our image is clean and green, our actions aren't following suit. All bar one of NZ's major political parties support the Zero Carbon Act but…
Could a plant-based diet save our planet?
A lot of Kiwis were brought up on meat and three veg, would you ditch the meat if you knew it would drastically reduce your carbon…
Dante's Peak vs. Tāmaki Makaurau
Have you ever wondered what would happen if the City of Sails got Dante's-Peaked? And more importantly what would happen to the KFCs? We have ????
Don't go chasing glaciers
While 'glacier retreat' sounds like a great weekend getaway it's actually the term used to describe how glaciers like the Franz Josef are shifting at unprecedented…
What is the ozone layer?
The ozone layer is that thing around earth, right? And there's a giant hole in it above Aotearoa? Wrong ?
Bodies of the Future
Advances in technology mean that body-tech could go beyond helping those with physical disabilities and become the go-to for athletes, academics, and more!
The Pill - would a man be willing to be moody for the cause?
Women have been taking the pill for decades, is it time men started taking some responsibility for birth control? ?
Penis Size Sperm Theory
Does a bigger penis mean you're more likely to have a baby boy? ?
A your dick?
We talk to some guys about whether they would switch up their contraception method with an implant in their balls... ??
Future of blindness
New Zealand has been a leader in curing blindness in developing countries. What are the next steps in this journey?
Is lab-grown meat going to destroy NZ farming?
As lab-grown meat enters the market in New Zealand, what will it mean for our farming industry?