Anna Murray

How climate change will make your life more expensive

Here’s how the warming planet could significantly drive up day-to-day costs.

What happens when coalition partners ‘agree to disagree’?

“Agree to disagree” mechanisms are often built into coalition agreements.

How the proposed sick leave changes could impact you

The Government is proposing changes to the Holidays Act.

Three Strikes makes its return: The controversial law explained

The Government is reviving the Three Strikes legislation Labour scrapped two years ago.

Changes to gender and sexuality education: What’s in the guidelines?

What changes does the coalition government have in mind?

Renting? Here’s some advice for navigating the Govt’s rental reforms

Changes are coming to the rules around renting in NZ. So, what can tenants do in the months ahead?

Minimum wage to go up, tax break for landlords kicks in

Here’s what New Zealanders can expect from April 1.

Love and loss? How relationships can impact people’s benefits

Advocates are calling for an overhaul of relationship rules within the welfare system.

Period products in schools are only guaranteed till June. What happens after that?

"To remove a programme like this … would be destructive.”

Why Rātana is an important date on the political calendar

The annual celebrations at Rātana are considered the unofficial start to the political year.

How the Government’s climate plans stack up against the official advice

While there’s some alignment between the two, there are a few glaring differences.

NZ's smokefree legislation: A history of stubbing out smoking

Once upon a time, there was pretty much nowhere you couldn't smoke.

‘Nationwide action day’: Why today and what is it all about?

“This is not a protest. It’s an activation.”

What to tell the dudebros who say there’s no gender pay gap

If you’re a woman then from today, you are effectively working for free for the rest of the year.

Is there going to be a Treaty referendum? The Treaty Principles Bill explained

The door has not been completely closed on ACT’s proposed Treaty referendum.

National wants to ban gang patches in public

What happened when Whanganui did it?

The Labour policies that face being scrapped under National

So, which of Labour’s policies are being axed?

Two in five NZers say they have been bullied at work

Young people and people of colour often on the receiving end of workplace bullying and harassment

How to vote in the New Zealand election from overseas

Nearly 65,000 New Zealanders living overseas were enrolled to vote in the 2020 election.

Analysis: The vibes from inside the TVNZ Young Voters’ Debate

1News' Anna Murray gives her audience member insight from last night's Youth Voter Debate.

How a film about getting hit in the balls is tackling toxic masculinity

“I think boys and men both just struggle with being open in general."

Why Aotearoa needs to make consent education compulsory

“My name is Liv and I’ve been sexually harassed more times than I can count.”

Syphilis is on the rise in Auckland: what you need to know

Many people with syphilis don’t have any symptoms and therefore don’t know they have it.

‘I’m inspired by younger me’: Advocates turn state care pain into purpose

“I didn't have the language or understanding to describe my care experience,"

How many NZers have long Covid? New registry aims to find out

“[Long Covid] affects everything, it literally destroys lives."

NZ’s first queer kids show: Why these characters need to be centre stage

This local show is making sure queer characters take centre stage as complex, relatable heroes.

'They think you're committing fraud': Trans refugees in NZ need usable ID

“If you speak with an accent, everywhere you go, the first thing they ask [is] ‘are you a resident?’