To live as other children live

Caitlin McGee reflects on the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict in the latest issue of The Review.

Student nurses report living in cars, sheds to make ends meet

"The reality is the financial burden is real.”

New study finds tampon brand with hormone disrupting chemical

The findings were among four studies that formed part of a pilot carried out by Otago University.

Young people vote the least. But that is changing

This year youth enrollment jumped up to 83%, up from 75% in 2017.

NZ’s ‘discriminatory’ blood donation rules are getting in the way of saving lives

Feeling too broke to donate to a charity? Donate your blood instead.

Why this professional wrestler decided to become a playwright

“It’s a tribute to rural Māori kids who grew up on professional wrestling in the 90s.”

National wants to ban gang patches in public

What happened when Whanganui did it?

Why I had an abortion: Young NZers share their stories

Despite abortion being decriminalised, it remains a divisive topic in New Zealand.

It’s 2023, why are women still carrying the burden of contraception?

“I thought maybe I'm being stupid for asking him to pay.”

When your Asian parents won’t let you date until marriage

“No one lives a better double life than the oldest daughter of an Asian family.”

Teenage poi entrepreneur on how she invests in her mental health

Georgia Latu is CEO of Pōtiki Poi, the company that made 32,000 poi for the Women’s Rugby World Cup.

Long live the flat party

Experienced party hosts tell Re: News what it takes to throw a flat party and what makes them great.

Five rights renters have - but might not know about

Both renters and landlords have legal rights. As a renter do you know all your rights?

My greatest fear is we become the generation that loses Niuean language

Only 11% of NZ-Niueans speak the language. This is why I’m fighting for it.

How to make sense of what’s going on in Gaza

The violence over the past two weeks is the result of decades of tension over the disputed region.

Renting can make you age faster: new study

Research shows it is even worse than being jobless or a former smoker.

Why ballroom is important to queer people of colour in Wellington

“We’ve found a way to tell the world all the different ways life can look like for a queer POC."

The Labour policies that face being scrapped under National

So, which of Labour’s policies are being axed?

What a National-led government could mean for rangatahi

The results will have a big impact on their lives, political campaigner Max Harris says.

Political change is coming: What's next for New Zealand?

With special votes left to be counted, what the incoming government looks like is still undecided.

National to lead next NZ Government

Christopher Luxon will become the next Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Policy breakdown: Housing

What will different political parties do to fix our housing crisis?

Analysis: Can Labour still rely on Pacific voters?

Indira Stewart hits the campaign trail in South Auckland to find out.

Policy breakdown: Crime and justice

Get an overview of each New Zealand political parties' policy on crime and justice.

The generational divide this election

We use Vote Compass data to get an insight on how different generations think about the big issues.

Policy breakdown: Health

Get an overview of each New Zealand political parties' policy on health.

Policy breakdown: climate change

Get an overview of each New Zealand political parties' policy on climate.

Policy breakdown: Rainbow rights

Here's what political parties say they'll do about rainbow rights if they're elected.

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