"Why do I think of disgusting stuff when I’m horny?" | Horny On Main

By Elena Beets and Melody Thomas
Re:News advice column Horny on Main is a place to unpack and explore the complicated and messy territories of sex, love and intimacy.
In episode one of the new series, Melody and Elena answer: Is it normal when horny to think of things you would consider disgusting or gross when not horny? Listen to the full episode below.
There are some interesting academic studies which found that increased sexual arousal decreases our disgust repsonse (see here and here). Though they may not have pinned down the exact mechanism by which this happen. One hypothesis is that, as organisms, we need to be able to overcome our disgust responses in order to reproduce.
“There are lots of parts of sex that would be ‘gross’ in normal circumstances, like I don’t think someone sucking my toe out of nowhere at a cafe would elicit the same response that it might during the throws of passion. For me, it’s one of the many fun and exciting things about sex - we have this somewhat altered state that means sensations and types of interactions become super juicy and we can exist in a way that we wouldn’t normally.” - Elena Beets
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