Te Ao Māori

‘Nationwide action day’: Why today and what is it all about?

“This is not a protest. It’s an activation.”

‘A hangover of a colonial past’: Why we have narrow views on relationships

The word ‘monogamy’ originates from Greek and European thought.

He taiāniwhaniwha te haramai nei: A tsunami of regression is imminent

Te Matahiapo Safari Hynes writes on what the new government's policies mean for Māori.

Why women don’t whaikōrero

Is colonisation the reason why wāhine don’t whaikōrero?

How Māori tangihanga work

Should you take flowers? Do you wear black? And how many days does a tangi go for?

Why this professional wrestler decided to become a playwright

“It’s a tribute to rural Māori kids who grew up on professional wrestling in the 90s.”

Teenage poi entrepreneur on how she invests in her mental health

Georgia Latu is CEO of Pōtiki Poi, the company that made 32,000 poi for the Women’s Rugby World Cup.

Reclaiming my reo is scary. Here’s how I’m pushing through

"It takes doing it in real life, not just in my head, and that’s hard."

'Connecting with ourselves': What Te Wiki o te Reo Māori means to me

“Patua te whakamā, don't be ashamed, learning is a process, and learning is a journey."

Three sisters receive moko kauae by traditional uhi method

"This is huge for us. We’ve long been in discussions about this, about today."

No, you don't get an extra vote if you're on the Māori roll

So what is the difference between being on the Māori roll and being on the general roll?

Why Matariki falls on a different day each year

Matariki is very much connected to the kai we receive throughout the year.

Mānawatia a Matariki! Where to celebrate Matariki around NZ

Matariki is coming up, which is a time for celebrations, reflection and looking forward.

Five ways to embrace Matariki

This year, the Matariki public holiday falls on July 14.

Germany returns Māori and Moriori remains to Aotearoa

Those involved say a significant amount of work has gone into returning these ancestors.

The online movement inspiring rangatahi to take control of their money

Research shows rangatahi Māori are driven by creating financial security for their whānau and hapū.

The Ministry of Education has failed Kura Kaupapa Māori

"For Māori by Māori in Māori education works – I am proof. Now the Crown must invest in it."

Rawiri Waititi calls on King Charles to address Crown’s ‘heinous legacy’

Today, Waititi said there was “no honour” in the British Crown.

This web tool replaces coronation news with Indigenous stories

“Our hapori is fatigued by royal gossip and I feel like we deserve the option to opt-out."

Taranaki Maunga to get legal personhood – but what does this mean?

The decision follows the preliminary signing of a Treaty settlement last week.

Why karakia is more than just a tick box exercise

You might have noticed the use of karakia in public meetings keeps making headlines recently.

How to say Whanganui correctly

We spoke to iwi historian Che Wilson about this.

‘Data is taonga’: 2023 Census critical for Māori

“Data is really powerful ... it's quite precious. It's taonga."

Why the world's biggest kapa haka competition needs more funding

While the NZ Royal Ballet got $8.1m in Budget 2022, Te Matatini received just $2.9m.

How Māori want Te Tiriti to be honoured this year

Re: News asked four rangatahi Māori about what honouring the Treaty in 2023 means to them.

How colonisation has changed the naked body

"If I raise a daughter, I'm hopeful about the world she will live in as a Māori woman."

Whānau, the 21 year-long doco following the lives of 'ordinary' whānau

Director Parehuia was five years old when the first instalment of ‘Whānau’ was released.

The 16-year-old in charge of making 22,000 poi for the Rugby World Cup

Georgia started Pōtiki Poi from her lounge in Dunedin in 2019 when she was just 12.

Austria returns stolen remains of Māori and Moriori ancestors after 133 years

“It's quite [an] emotional and significant experience.”