
New regulation to stop teenagers vaping comes into force today

It aims to protect young people and non-smokers from the potential dangers of vaping.

Less than half of NZ teens live with both their biological parents, study finds

New research has given us a snapshot of what modern families look like in New Zealand.

Teens should get special contraception consults, study says

Researchers say contraceptives should be proactively offered to teenagers. 

The study Proactively Providing Contraception to New Zealand Adolescents from the University of Otago was published on Tuesday…

Pasifika teens sacrificing education for survival is not new

Choosing between school and work to support your family is common for Pasifika children.

Cyberbullying is illegal in NZ yet nearly one third of teens experience it

Online bullying is so common that it can be embarrassing to actually talk about it. But so many people’s lives are shaped, and even ruined, by…

“Righteous and Confident”: Being 18 in New Zealand Today

Classic coming-of-age tales used to include some combination of driving, sex, first loves, alcohol and arguing with your parents. But what would the story motifs be…


We've all had a Rubik's cube that's been sitting jumbled in your junk drawer ever since the frustration overcame the fun of solving the little plastic…

Ōtorohanga College slam poetry

Students from Ōtorohanga College created these pieces of slam poetry about the Aotearoa wars alongside poet Te Kahu Rolleston.