Climate Change

Our favourite climate strike signs

On Friday 27 September, people young and old throughout Aotearoa striked for climate justice, with numbers in Auckland reaching a reported 80,000.

Here's a collection of our…

Tuvalu as Tuvaluans want you to see it

From above, Fongafale—Tuvalu’s largest island—snakes across the Pacific, a surprise sight in a great expanse of blue. It measures 12km long and at its narrowest point…

Climate activist interviews her grandparents about fears for planet

Sophie Handford sat down with her grandparents Sue and Brian to talk about climate change and the pressure young people around the world are feeling to…

The ‘Huge Beast’ Dominating New Zealand’s Climate Debate

On the morning of the first School Strike 4 Climate in March, there were just three police officers assigned to provide crowd control in Wellington. The…

The radical recyclists smashing the wheel of capitalism

Loop Groop rescue, recycle and repair bikes . Their workshop in Auckland's Eden Terrace has been a hub for people to get their bikes fixed or…

How do we make Wellington a city that looks after everyone?

In this speaker series, hosted by the Wellington City Council, we hear about making sure young people have a future, AI and transport, and building the…

Students’ passionate pleas to protect our planet

The children are the adults, we know what’s going to happen.People have to act quickly. Walking out of school for a day is more important than…

Aotearoa's climate warriors strike in unison

Students across the country ditched school and marched the streets, passionately calling for immediate action on climate change.

5 tips to reduce waste these holidays

Boxing Day sales may be tempting, but do you really need a giant inflatable donut? Here are some tips on how you can reduce your waste…

Auckland's Seabin

That pesky plastic is a global problem, but the Viaduct Harbour has a new, innovative technology to keep Tāmaki Makaurau's waterways looking pristine: Seabins!

The Floating Foundation

Craig traded in his DJ gear for a boat and took to the South Pacific to do a whole lot of good. The Floating Foundation provides…

These underwater sculptures could save the South Pacific's sea life

British sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor creates underwater figures that are not only incredibly eye-catching, they're ever-evolving, marine-life-saving works of art!

The truth about our throw away culture

Kiwis throw away over 122,000 tonnes of kai every single year. It's a staggering statistic that needs to change. Re: talked to Love Food Hate Waste…

We are not victims, we are warriors.

Brianna is a warrior against climate change, travelling the globe to raise awareness and save not just her mighty Pacific home, but the world!

How satellites help us understand climate change

The satellites orbitting Earth provide scientists with a deluge of information about the Earth every single day. So how do we translate so much data into…

Saving penguins on the west coast

The West Coast is home to the kororā, the world's smallest penguin but rising sea levels could mean eviction... Meet the local school kids lending a…

How Singapore uses technology to look after trees

Check out the cool pieces of tech hugging Singapore's trees, helping to keep them healthy and feeling the love

Bring your own bowl

Do you take your own container for takeaway lunches? Kiwis are using over 30 kilograms of plastic per year. It's time to revolutionise the BYO...

KFC lover turns vegan for a week

What happens when a self-confessed meat lover trades in his fried chicken and sweet and sour pork for curly kale and chickpeas? We follow Bryson on…

The rise of Cli-Fi - Help or Hindrance?

Cli-Fi - it's the movie genre thundering its way onto our screens. But are all those super storms & tsunamis helping or hindering the Climate Change…

What will NZ look like in 100 years?

Climate change is a hot topic these days, but what does it actually mean for New Zealand? From farewelling paua to losing entire towns, Re: looks…

Greenpeace activist fighting against dairy farm

Mackenzie Country is known for its beautiful lakes, mountains and... industrial dairy farms? Meet Gen, an activist fighting council consent against the new project.

The Climate Change Garden

Imagine a world without chocolate... ?Envision your mornings without that perky long black... ☕It seems as the world's climate changes, this scenario might not be so…

Urban Beekeeping

The rooftops of Auckland are abuzz with a sweet secret... Take a tour of the beehives tucked out of sight, gifting us with the golden 'nectar…

What actually happens to our recycling?

As a country we have a dirty habit of exporting our plastic waste. We think it's time to clean up our act. Do you? ? ♻️

Vegans getting nude to save the planet

"We're exploiting our own bodies but you're exploiting the bodies of...vulnerable beings that have no choice" meet the vegan women standing up (and lying down in…

James Aspey

James Aspey is a proud vegan with a massive social following. He came to chat to us about his plant-based diet, vegan myths, muscles and meat.

What are your clothes doing to the planet?

Cheap clothes might not make an impact on your wallet but it's a different story for the environment. Microfibres from your load of washing could even…


If any of your Instagram snaps feature #nature, try walking the walk and take up the #whanauchallenge to see if you can live a more sustainable…

Captain Planet: eco-warrior or psychic?

Not only did he rock a green mullet, Captain Planet (along with his trusty Planeteers) predicted some of the natural crises the world is facing today.…