
How protest at Waitangi has evolved

Waitangi day nowadays feels more like a festival, but it wasn’t always this way. Re: takes a look at how protest has evolved at Waitangi.

The man who has been photographing Waitangi for 50 years

John Miller (Ngāpuhi) is an award-winning documentary photographer from Auckland. He has dedicated most of his 70 years to documenting political protests and other significant moments…

One of my ancestors created the Treaty of Waitangi. Another protested against it.

Hawaiiki James Morrison is a direct descendant of ancestors who had opposing views on Te Tiriti o Waitangi. He aha ōna whakaaro mō te Tiriti? Over…

Three rangatahi sit down to talk about the Treaty of Waitangi

A Māori cultural advisor, an archaeology student and a Māori health professional sit down for a picnic and ask each other questions about Te Tiriti o…

Understanding Te Tiriti o Waitangi | Let Me Explain

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is one of the most misunderstood documents in Aotearoa. We explain why it's still a controversial document to this day.

It's 180 years…

New Zealanders tell us how they honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Six Kiwis share the various ways we can honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Should Aotearoa cut ties with the Queen?

Is it time to cut ties with the Queen? We take a deep dive into all sides of this issue.

What's it really like when you go to Waitangi?

If you've never been to Waitangi before, it's easy to think it's all sombre politics and fighting, but the people there know it's about so much…