Queer Academy

Being queer in a small town doesn’t have to be shit

“If I hadn't moved to small town New Zealand, my life would be a lot smaller.”

What my chosen whānau means to me

"For some people, chosen family is all they have."

My Gaydar is broken, I can’t tell who’s gay anymore

Queer style used to be a subculture. I don’t think it is anymore.

4 reasons queer people are better at sexual health than straight people

“Queer people are good at sexual health because for a lot of us, we were forced to in the ’80s.”

When your South Asian identity and queer identity don't feel compatible

"It’s still painful for me to revisit, because it was something that was supposed to be precious.”

We made a series about the good parts of being queer

For the past 12 months we’ve been working. Working hard so we can please you ???

  • 16 Nov 23