Election 2023

Political change is coming: What's next for New Zealand?

With special votes left to be counted, what the incoming government looks like is still undecided.

Policy breakdown: Housing

What will different political parties do to fix our housing crisis?

Analysis: Can Labour still rely on Pacific voters?

Indira Stewart hits the campaign trail in South Auckland to find out.

Policy breakdown: Rainbow rights

Here's what political parties say they'll do about rainbow rights if they're elected.

Policy breakdown: Tax

We’re breaking down different parties' policies on some of the biggest issues in Aotearoa right now.

Election issues: Why are so many students skipping school

School attendance was at 70% in 2015, but then declined to just 40% in 2022.

Do voters feel like youth crime is getting worse?

We asked them if the issue will affect how they vote in the upcoming election.

How to vote in the New Zealand election from overseas

Nearly 65,000 New Zealanders living overseas were enrolled to vote in the 2020 election.

Analysis: The vibes from inside the TVNZ Young Voters’ Debate

1News' Anna Murray gives her audience member insight from last night's Youth Voter Debate.

People tell us the last time they went to the dentist

“If it was free, fucking oath, I’m there.”

Trans hate: Young voters on whether enough is being done

Rangatahi tell us if being done to keep trans and non-binary people safe in Aotearoa.

Toilet politics: Trans people more likely to be victims, not perpetrators

“This fear-mongering is an absolute flipping over of what’s correct and who poses a threat to who.”

'Fucking extortionate': How the cost of living is swaying people's votes

We talked with young people about the cost of living crisis and how it will impact their vote.

Who's to blame for the cost of living crisis?

The cost of living has skyrocketed since the pandemic began.

Far North Mayor on why Māori must vote

“I may be the first but bring on the many young ones that will now follow.”

We asked people whether we should remove GST on food

“Yes please… because I’m hungry.”

Are you on the Māori roll? Rangatahi share their experience

Māori can get 14 seats if all Maori choose Māori.

PM Chris Hipkins answers your questions

“Oh, crikey, that's quite a question.”

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to step down

Ardern says she ‘no longer had enough in the tank to do it justice’.