Artificial Intelligence

Why AI facial recognition has a discrimination problem

“It’s only as clever as the engineers and the people who put data into it.”

AI could make our lives better – but not at its current speed

"I have seen enough movies to know how this ends."

Spotify and Tinder use AI to influence us but won’t tell us how

“The process isn’t human or necessarily understandable to us."

Intern Arwen meets an AI named Josie

Re: intern Arwen has a fascination with artificial intelligence. New Zealand businesses are catching on too with over half saying that AI is or will be…

Discussing ethics and issues in the future of tech

The future of tech could be utopic... or it could be dystopic. We live streamed the Red Bull Basement University Launchpad event at AUT, with Alexa…

Virtual Reality marriage

I now pronounce you robot and robot ??? Is kissing a marshmallow the future of wedding ceremonies?

The things to know about A.I.

Would you trust a robot with your life? Advances in Artificial Intelligence could see more and more medical procedures being carried out by machines. ??

Bodies of the Future

Advances in technology mean that body-tech could go beyond helping those with physical disabilities and become the go-to for athletes, academics, and more!