Thriving in a new country making dumplings | Evil Twins | Sik Fan Lah!

“You try to fit in, you sanitise your own culture and you try to hide it. But for me, the turning point was feeding my Mum’s recipes. All my mates said to me, ‘there’s nothing like that out there”

Evil Twins, aka Nat and Steph Chin, dropped out of uni (without their parents’ knowledge) and started up Evil Twins cafe when they were 19.

The Evil Twins (Nat and Steph Chin) meet with fellow rebel and entrepreneur, Vicky Ha, to learn the secrets behind her Chicken-Free Laksa Dumplings.

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Sik Fan Lah!

When it’s time to eat, we say SIK FAN LAH! Join us on a culinary adventure across Aotearoa New Zealand, where we uncover hilarious and hearty stories of modern Kiwi-Chinese life through our universal love for food.