Over Waitangi weekend, thousands of people from all over the country against the Covid-19 vaccine mandate began a convoy towards Wellington to occupy Parliament. Since then, they’ve set up an illegal tent city on Parliament lawns, completely blocked off multiple Wellington streets, threatened journalists with execution, and so far 120 have been arrested by Police. Here’s a timeline of what you need to know. 

Day 1: Tuesday, February 8

Hundreds of cars, trucks, campervans and motorbikes arrived in central Wellington.

Supporters lined bridges overhanging the motorway, with RNZ reporting a protester threw a cricket-ball sized rock through the driver-side window of a commuter on the Wellington motorway.

The protestors completely blocked multiple streets around Parliament, parking cars in the middle of the road.

Wellington City Council parking staff were told on Tuesday not to patrol or ticket the infringing vehicles in the area, in concern for their safety.

Several thousand protestors gathered on the Parliament lawn, setting up tents and gazebos and began speeches demanding an end to all mandates and Covid-19 restrictions, and what they believe to be media censorship of their views.

There is a wide range of perspectives among the protestors - with signs ranging from anger at losing jobs over vaccine mandates, to Tino Rangatiratanga flags, and banners supporting Donald Trump.

A protestor told 1News reporter Kristin Hall, “There are a tonne of health things that come from wearing a mask. You are causing lung cancer and all these other things”.

There is no scientific evidence that links masks with lung cancer.

There has also been in-fighting between protestors - most prominently a dispute between far-right media organisation Counterspin, and The Freedom and Rights Coalition (TFRC). According to posts on Counterspin’s platform, this stemmed out of an emcee from TFRC encouraging protestors to move their cars out of the street and socially distance.  

It is against parliament rules to erect structures like tents and gazebos on the premises, or to hold protests on the grounds overnight.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and National Party leader Christopher Luxon told press that neither would be meeting with the protestors.

“Today… 31,000 people had gone out and been vaccinated," Ardern said.

"So I think it would be wrong to in any way characterise what we've seen outside as a representation of the majority.”

Day 2: Wednesday, February 9

Police issued protestors a notice from Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard, informing them of trespass notices would be issued if they failed to remove all tents and structures and leave during the night.

It also warned protestors to stay clear of some areas of Parliament grounds, including the steps.

Protestors pushed towards Parliament steps, prompting Police to form a line to hold them back.

Three people were arrested by Police during the surge, and the crowd settled down soon afterwards.

Across the two days, there had been several reports of hostility and aggression from protestors towards bystanders and pedestrians. 

Nearby pub The Backbencher decided to close on Tuesday after the staff were “abused and threatened”, owner Alaistair Boyce told 1News.

1News reporter Kristin Hall tweeted, “Just got told I'm going to be executed by a woman holding a sign saying ‘love is the cure’".

Day 3: Thursday, February 10

After protestors remained on Parliament grounds for a second night, Wellington District Commander Superintendent Corrie Parcell announced that all protestors at Parliament had been trespassed.

Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard closed Parliament grounds to everyone. A horn was repeatedly sounded across the grounds.

Around 9am, a line of police officers met a group of several hundred protestors. 

Police began taking protestors away, which built tension among the protestors who were yelling, screaming and throwing water in the face of Police.

On alternative social media platform Telegram, organisers encouraged protestors to sit down and link arms.

The Police have been progressively pushing across the grounds, dismantling tents and arresting those who resist. 

They have reported that 120 people have been arrested so far today.

Several thousand people remain on the grounds, but are slowly being pushed out into the surrounding area.

We'll update this article as this event continues to unfold.

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