
What a National-led government could mean for rangatahi

The results will have a big impact on their lives, political campaigner Max Harris says.

Discussing ethics and issues in the future of tech

The future of tech could be utopic... or it could be dystopic. We live streamed the Red Bull Basement University Launchpad event at AUT, with Alexa…

Planning for Growth - Resilient

A CBD apartment feels terrifying in an earthquake. But a house in the suburbs could be cut off by a landslide and isolated from vital services.…

Planning for Growth - Greener

Wellington needs to become carbon neutral to protect our future. In this video, we explore the options for becoming a greener city. This is our once…

Using technology to fight cold damp houses

1600 New Zealanders die every year from conditions caused by cold, damp homes. Hīria Te Rangi shares her story of loss, and explains how Whare Hauora…

The evolution of the family sitcom

Come with us as we look back at the family sitcom. From nuclear beginnings to the introduction of the dysfunctional family and now more and more…

The impact of technology on handwriting

Does technology mean the end of the pen license?!

Why are we being taught stuff that's gonna be taken over by robots anyway?

Some research says accountants have a 95% chance of having their job taken over by robots. Is there any point still studying accounting??

The genetically engineered food we eat everyday

Before coming in all shapes and sizes, watermelons were teeny tiny! Welcome to the world of genetic engineering in food - some of the most common,…

A cashless society

When was the last time you paid in cash? In Singapore, coins and paper might soon be a relic of the past as it embarks on…

What will NZ look like in 100 years?

Climate change is a hot topic these days, but what does it actually mean for New Zealand? From farewelling paua to losing entire towns, Re: looks…

Virtual Reality - future or fad?

From shooting space pirates to cooking crumpets, virtual reality has hit Aoteoroa! Re: visited Virtual Reality Studio in Mount Roskill to give it a go &…

Spot the difference: Millennials v Gen X

So, you think you're a Millenial? Well, if you're under 24, it turns out your're actually part of Generation Z! And it turns out the two…

Young drone pilot rescuing newborn lambs from the winter chill

11-year-old Alex proves technology and farming can go hand-in-hand ❄️?

Virtual Reality marriage

I now pronounce you robot and robot ??? Is kissing a marshmallow the future of wedding ceremonies?

The things to know about A.I.

Would you trust a robot with your life? Advances in Artificial Intelligence could see more and more medical procedures being carried out by machines. ??

Future faces of New Zealand

Do the people making decisions for our country fully reflect the constantly changing make-up of a Kiwi?

These magic Paulownia trees clean up this dairy farm

Graham has won an award for his innovation in farm forestry. He uses Paulownia trees to stop nitrates leaching into the stream ???

Bodies of the Future

Advances in technology mean that body-tech could go beyond helping those with physical disabilities and become the go-to for athletes, academics, and more!

Afraid of STIs - how about a love doll?

Life in plastic, it's fantastic! Take a peek into the world of love dolls.

The biggest obstacles hindering our future

It might not be smooth sailing into the future. The speakers of #FFTF17 share their thoughts about what could be standing in our way.

Future of blindness

New Zealand has been a leader in curing blindness in developing countries. What are the next steps in this journey?

How we view ownership in the future may change

Do you think you'll own in 50 years? A house? A car? Your own business?

Is lab-grown meat going to destroy NZ farming?

As lab-grown meat enters the market in New Zealand, what will it mean for our farming industry?

The Flipside of Drones

The future of drones is still...up in the air... they're everywhere, but what would you want to see them used for?

The coolest stuff we have to look forward to as a nation

We caught up with some of the amazing speakers at #FFTF17 - here are some of the things they're looking forward to for NZ