Josh Robertson

These children are racing speed cars at 182kmh

Every year, kids aged 7 to 14 gather to race drag cars against each other at speeds of up to 182 kmh at the Junior Dragster…

Inside the barbershop giving men a place to open up

“Anyone can walk through those doors. A priest, a businessman, a schoolboy, a gang member, and there is no judgment put on them.”

Meet Fitz, the owner…

Reflecting on Captain Cook's many mistakes

"We'd go places, we'd see something we like and name it after ourselves!"

Three drag queens make Nigella Lawson's margarita chocolate cake

Auckland drag trio Les Femmes put their baking skills to the test with Nigella Lawson’s margarita chocolate cake.

New law makes it harder to overturn Māori wards

New legislation has been announced that would give councils more power to establish and protect Māori wards.

The change was announced by Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta…

Four life lessons we can learn from the fall of hip-hop giants Dawn Raid

We speak to Oscar Kightley, the director of 'Dawn Raid', a doco about the legendary NZ hip hop label.