3 teenagers tell us what pride means to them

Celebrating pride in schools gives queer students a “light at the end of the tunnel”.

3 queer Māori and Pasifika share what helped when they felt suicidal

“I’ve never told anyone this, but I think it’s important to say.”

‘We're meant to be here’: trans woman Paipera Hayes on being a lead actress

The 20-year-old speaks about her journey from foster care to the screen.

Why NZ's biggest rainbow sports tournament matters to me

“Allowing people to play as their authentic self without fear of judgement.”

'The system is so binary’: How the software GPs use is harming queer patients

“The impact this lack of data storage has on patients is huge.”

South Auckland’s queer creative scene you may not know about

“Creativity, through any outlet, helped me understand that the way I’d felt, had a home.”

What it's like being a queer Chinese international student in NZ

"My imagination of NZ was just a fantasy."

How I learnt to wear traditional cultural clothing in a gender-affirming way

"I don’t see why the two have to be separate."

Being queer in a small town doesn’t have to be shit

“If I hadn't moved to small town New Zealand, my life would be a lot smaller.”

What my chosen whānau means to me

"For some people, chosen family is all they have."

‘A hangover of a colonial past’: Why we have narrow views on relationships

The word ‘monogamy’ originates from Greek and European thought.

My Gaydar is broken, I can’t tell who’s gay anymore

Queer style used to be a subculture. I don’t think it is anymore.

When your South Asian identity and queer identity don't feel compatible

"It’s still painful for me to revisit, because it was something that was supposed to be precious.”