
Why are we being taught stuff that's gonna be taken over by robots anyway?

Some research says accountants have a 95% chance of having their job taken over by robots. Is there any point still studying accounting??

The deal with weed

It's a topic that has divided Kiwis. What's our country's future with weed?

WELLFed: Changing our nutritional habits

Cooking delicious and nourishing food on a budget can mean a little time and a lot of creativity... Re: welcomes WELLfed, a Porirua initiative teaching their…

The poverty impact on mental health

'Just scraping by isn't really living'. We take a look at the vicious cycle of poverty and its impact on our hauora hinengaro (mental health).

The true cost of a free education

Education in Aotearoa is technically free but in reality, it's actually quite expensive. So just how much does it cost to get our tamariki through kura?

Medusa - 4th Wave Feminism

Snakes for hair and a stoney glare, meet the theatre makers using Medusa as muse to empower and revitalise feminism in Aotearoa.

The woman who fought to say 'kia ora'

In 1984 Dame Rangimarie Naida Glavish was almost fired for saying 'kia ora'. We take a look at how her protest paved the way for Te…

How NZ became nuclear free

Aotearoa is proudly nuclear free, but it took some grit to get here. So how exactly did Kiwis kick it to the curb?

The right to protest

From marches to flying dildos, Kiwis love to exercise their right to protest. Although for many across the globe, getting their voices heard isn't so easy.

What came of the Occupy Movement?

The Occupy movement was designed to open up debate around the problems of capitalism, but what did it actually achieve? And was that even the point?

White Man Behind A Desk: University Funding

From bums on seats to 'better research, better cash', this week White Man Behind A Desk clears up a few questions we had about the…

Brekfist: Peace

Find a little peace today over Brekfist. Johanna and Saraid aren't the only bombshells dropping on this episode - did you know Johanna's Dad was a…

Peace on the Korean peninsula

Despite both Donald Trump and Dennis Rodmans' best efforts, North Korea doesn't promise to denuclearise anytime soon. But is there some form of peace on the…

Trying out different ways of finding peace

Finding peace has become less 'new age hippy' and more a part of everyday life, or so Instagram has us believe. We decided to test out…

Channelling peace with meditation and tarot cards

Crystals and tarot cards are another way some people find peace and meaning in their lives. We went along to a tarot card session to channel…

The art of meditation

Meditation has been practised for millenia. It is used by doctors to treat depression, and even taught in prisons to promote wellbeing and mindfulness. So what's…

The Kiwi tickling minds through ASMR

Shhhh, we're talking about ASMR, a relaxation method that has gathered a cult following online. So does it tickle your fancy, or your spine?


1080: Here we visit the West Coast, Nelson and Wellington for our story about the controversial pest-control system. We take a look at what it actually…

White Man Behind A Desk: Consent

Re: welcomes a White Man Behind A Desk, who has invited a white woman to discuss the topic buttoned-up Kiwis can be too awkward to address:…

White Man Behind A Desk: Government Debt

Government debt - it's not all bad. Here's a White Man Behind A Desk to tell you why Aotearoa's billions of dollars of debt can actually…

Brekfist: Power

Saraid and Johanna are serving up a hot plate of power this morning! When do you feel most powerful?

Getting called to join the army in Singapore

Singapore is one of several countries around the globe with mandatory National Service. Even after being in New Zealand 15 years, Gabe had to return to…

When your parent is in prison, who is there for you?

Pillars (Ka Pou Whakahou) is aiming to break the cycle of generational offending by providing care and support for young Kiwis who have parents in prison.…

Abortion Referendum: Ireland Decides

Ireland is a country divided. On the 25th of May the Irish will vote on whether to repeal the 8th amendment, a law prohibiting almost…

Our Forgotten Massacre - Japanese Translation

48 Japanese prisoners of war lost their lives in a New Zealand camp in 1943. We take a look New Zealand's forgotten massacre in Featherston.

Poets passionate about NZ's war history

How much do you know about World War I? Local poets are bringing a fresh perspective, remembering our tūpuna in Auckland Museum's new interactive exhibit.

My family is shaped by war

War is a foreign concept for most Kiwis, but for Maha and her family it was a fact of life. Maha shares their journey of surviving…

Our forgotten massacre

48 Japanese prisoners of war lost their lives in a New Zealand camp in 1943. We take a look New Zealand's forgotten massacre in Featherston.

Nancy Wake: The Kiwi spy who evaded Nazis

Nancy Wake was Number One on the Nazi Secret Police's most wanted list. We take a look at the Kiwi the SS called: The White Mouse.

Should we learn about the wars fought right here in NZ?

Ignoring it won't make it go away, so why is there resistance to teach about our country's history?