
Why we need more Māori doctors

"Quite often patients will tell me that I’m the first Māori doctor they’ve ever met."

Why NZ needs more Māori and Pasifika blood donations

"To give someone the ultimate koha and keep his memory alive is the greatest tribute."

Why there's no such thing as being 'a quarter Māori'

"You are Māori if you have an ancestor who is Māori."

It’s politically tense in NZ. But Māori are here, present and proud

Why Waitangi Day fills me with morbid optimism.

Why Māori plant their whenua/placenta

A tikanga Māori birthing practitioner explains.

‘Data is taonga’: 2023 Census critical for Māori

“Data is really powerful ... it's quite precious. It's taonga."

New Zealand’s first te reo Māori road signs get the go-ahead

One says Haere (go) and one says Taihoa (wait).

'It’s everything': 11 wāhine tell us about their relationship to te reo Māori

“My relationship to te reo Māori is one of humility."

A near-fatal accident gave me the courage to tell my family I was trans

At 18, Mason nearly died after jumping head-first into a pool drunk. He tells his story.

The first ever Māori content creator awards are happening tonight!

Hahana Awards celebrate Māori content creators for the unique mahi they’re doing.

Māori, disabled and sexually diverse people more likely to be victims of crime

The third annual New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey was released today. Here's what it said.

“Dreams come with a price tag”: South Auckland students on picking a career path

Which young people in Aotearoa have the freedom to pursue careers in the arts?

10 out of 18 freshwater taonga struggling to survive

Tuna, kākahi (freshwater mussels) and kōura (freshwater crayfish) are all at risk.

Tikanga Māori and Te Ao Māori concepts will be taught at all law schools

Law students will be adding another skillset to their university degrees.

The New Zealand health system is getting a complete overhaul

All 20 district health boards will be combined into a single national health organisation, to be called Health New Zealand, and new public and Māori health…

Māori are more likely to be victims of crime, a study confirms

Poverty, disability and sexuality are all factors that contribute to Māori being more likely to be victims of crime than non-Māori, a new study by the…

Why Māori need to be a priority for the Covid-19 vaccine

Today the government announced who will be prioritised to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. Two million New Zealanders will get their first dose in the next four…

New law makes it harder to overturn Māori wards

New legislation has been announced that would give councils more power to establish and protect Māori wards.

The change was announced by Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta…

I took one of those DNA test kits to find out who I am | Māori and the City

In every child without a relationship with their father exists the melodramatic question: who am I?

Meet your new Māori MPs

Plus words of advice from Kiri Allan who was in their position three years ago.

Paris Hilton made me realise I had an unhealthy relationship | Māori and the City

As a child-genius pop culture historian, Tayi Tibble has closely watched Paris Hilton since she was six. But Paris’ new documentary showed something Tayi had never…

Seven students tell us why they’re learning te reo Māori

Seven students tell us why they’re learning te reo Māori.

Raniera Harrison is using podcasts to revitalise te reo Māori

This week Re: released the latest chapter of The Taumata Kōrero, a podcast that digs deep into how Māori view themselves and their world in modern-day…

My Māori new year’s resolution is to stop spending time with people who drain my mana

In this month’s edition of Māori and the City, Tayi Tibble talks about ways to protect your wairua and mana.

The first time I ever heard the…

At Tapu Te Ranga marae, Matariki brings rebirth after the fire

In the early hours of June 9th last year, Tapu Te Ranga, an urban marae in Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) caught fire and quickly burnt to the…

Seven people tell us how they're resetting 2020 this Matariki

Matariki, the Māori new year, begins on July 13th. How are we resetting?

Endless stories of racism in NZ schools

A question posed on Instagram has sparked a conversation about racism in NZ schools.

The time I tried to tag the Endeavour, and other thoughts on racist monuments

Statues of colonisers, slave traders and racists are being pulled down as part of a global reckoning with racism. In light of that, for this month’s…